Serving Those Serving in
The USCG Auxiliary

Higher education support for members of the
USCG Auxiliary and their immediate family members.

USCG Auxiliary Members Who Are
Veterans Need This Support!

We show how the college credit they earned
in the military can apply to degrees!

Enhance Educational Success
With the Power of SOCRATES ®

Thousands of links to help USCG Aux Members succeed;
Increase retention and boost graduation rates!

This Initiative
In Pictures

Click on the images below
to see the message behind each.

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This is a D8ER Education Orientation® presentation.

This video shows how an Auxiliarist is supported in this initiative with Degree Quest® and SOCRATES®.

This video shows the degree exploration process first - how we include both courses taken in the past from a university are added to his record, as well as non-traditional college credit that is considered in the degree planning process, including college credit for his prior service in the Army, professional training from his employer which had been evaluated by ACE for college credit, as well as the credit for two courses linked to SOCRATES in which he earned credit by examination. Then we proceed to show the myriad of resources linked to SOCRATES to help this Auxiliarist succeed.
Click on the image below to view this video:

USCG Auxiliary Education Support =
Unparalleled Benefits

USCG Auxiliary members give so much of their time in support of their Flotilla and their communities to enhance boating safety and augment the missions of the USCG. This support is available at no cost and is a way of expressing gratitude for the service they provide in the USCG Aux.

  • Boost the Image of the USCG

    ... with sharp Aux volunteers engaging with the public.

    Most often, the members of the USCG Auxiliary are the only face to the public representing the USCG. The public is always impressed with those who are not only sharp in appearance in the USCG Aux uniform, but also sharp in mind, as well.

  • Increase Retention in the USCG Auxiliary

    Participants typically have an enhanced level of commitment to the CG Aux

    For decades the USCG Auxiliary has asked volunteers what they can do for the local community. This is one of the first initiatives where the Aux seeks to serve those volunteering to support their missions.

  • Flexibility and Savings Positively Impact the Aux

    Making it easier and less expensive enhances members' support.

    For those CG Aux members pursuing degrees, rather than going to class on campus at the times/days established, the flexibility of pursuing degrees anytime, anywhere and at a fraction of the usual cost makes it easier to actively participate with their Flotilla.

  • USCG Auxiliarists Clearly See the Path to Completion

    ... not guessing their way and taking unnecessary courses.

    Degree Quest® degree plans present the curriculum requirements of each degree, course descriptions and prerequisites, the application of credit earned, promotional info about the college, academic policies, contact info of the institutional advisors, financial aid information, & much more. They can also identify which requirements may be filled with exams from SOCRATES.

  • USCG Auxiliarists Access a Myriad of Resources on SOCRATES

    Tens of thousands of resources are linked to SOCRATES!

    Not all students learn best the same way. Some are visual learners, while others are auditory learners, and others are kinesthetic learners. Thousands of courses from many of the best universities in the world are linked to SOCRATES®; Also, SOCRATES includes links to scholarship and grant matching sites, low cost textbook providers and much more!.

  • DQ Has All Military Training Credit

    We can support any USCG Auxiliarist who is a veteran!

    Degree Quest® contains more than 40,000 military training and occupation exhibits evaluated by the American Council on Education since they first began evaluating professional trianing in 1942. We simply enter the ACE ID and dates and the credit is added to the student record. Duplicate credit automatically disappears when streamed to degrees.

  • USCG Auxiliary Family Members Minimize Loss of Credit In Transfer

    They know quickly which degrees fit their credit.

    These students have worked hard to earn the credit in the past, not to mention the money they invested to get where they are today. When they decide to change majors and pursue a different degree, our advisors can help them minimize loss of credit and maximize the application of their credit with Degree Quest® - that's a win-win for all! The daughter of one Aux member started her degree at the age of 17, used the tuition-free courses extensively and finished her baccalauareate two years later, graduating from a state university at 19 thanks to this support.

  • USCG Auxiliary Family Members May Match to Scholarships or Grants

    The links to sites that match personal profiles to financial aid for education may help!

    Each year more than $80 billion in scholarships and grants is given out to students across the nations. Perhaps Aux members or their immediate families will be selected to receive financial aid to help them achieve their goals. The links on SOCRATES help identify potential sources of financial aid for higher education.

  • Help for USCG Auxiliary Family Members Taking Tough Courses

    The tuition-free courses linked to SOCRATES can augment the instruction to enhance learning.

    These courses linked to SOCRATES are from many of the best universities in the nation. If your family member is struggling to understand a difficult subject, why not see if the subject is supported in SOCRATES and follow along. Perhaps the instruction provided online is exactly what the student needs to thrive, instead of struggle to pass the tough course.

  • Support is Only Available While You Are Serving in the USCG Auxiliary

    If you want continued support, remain in good status with your local Flotilla!

    The passwords to access the educational support change periodically. Your Division leadership is provided with the logins and passwords and will not provide this to those who have exited the Auxiliary. To receive initial support, such as degree exploration, a valid Aum member number is required.

  • Tuition-Free Courses Render Undergraduate Credit

    However, their use spans the spectrum of education!

    Altough the nationally-recognized college level examinations render lower and upper level undergraduate college credit that can be applied to Associate and baccalaureate degrees, their are useful in other ways, as well. For example, USCG Aux members with kids 16 and older who succeed in the instruction and the associated college level exam should bring the score report to their high school counselor, as it can apply toward HS completion, while giving them a jump start on college. Also, at the graduate level, these can be used to fulfill prerequisite courses, as well as augment the instruction being received at the graduate level.

  • Never Post Login and Password Information on Social Media!

    We will have no option but to reset it.

    When USCG Auxiliary members or their immediate family post their login and password information on social media, it can go viral. We notice an unusually high number of people using it to access SOCRATES, which slows down the system for others to rightfully use the resources. One young lady posted it and tens of thousands logged in thereafter. That's a quick way to loose access, as we have to disable the password and reset it. Repeat postings result in permanent suspension of access.

Contact Us

The Higher Education Resource Center (HERC) is owned by a USCG Auxiliary Division Commander and is committed to making this support available to the Auxiliary Community at no cost.
Our goal is the success of the students we serve. Click here to Get Free Support Now